For Providers

Is your patient interested in hiring a doula or lactation counselor? Would they like to learn more about our services? Please complete our referral form, and we will schedule an intake with your client.

Grand Rounds

Co-sponsored by Lactation Education Resources and Partners for Family Health Louisiana, "Grand Rounds" are an important teaching tool and tradition in medical education. Our Grand Rounds is a quarterly meeting of breastfeeding supporters to review and learn from real-life lactation case studies. This is a free education opportunity for anyone who provides breastfeeding support, including OBs, CNMs, pediatricians, IBCLCs, CLCs, WIC counselors, support group facilitators, and peer counselors.

Please visit our Facebook page for more information about our upcoming Grand Rounds.

— Watch previous Grand Rounds sessions :

GRAND ROUNDS - Tandem Nursing

GRAND ROUNDS - Oversupply & Mastitis

GRAND ROUNDS - Exclusive Pumping

GRAND ROUNDS - Breast/chestfeeding & Perinatal Mental Health

GRAND ROUNDS - Insufficient Glandular Tissue

GRAND ROUNDS - Lactation & Infants with Medical Complexity

GRAND ROUNDS - Pregnancy, Lactation, & PCOS

GRAND ROUNDS - Pregnancy, Lactation, & Uterine Fibroids

Community Lactation Workshop Series

Presented by Birthmark Doula Collective & New Orleans Breastfeeding Center in partnership with W.K. Kellogg Foundation: Birthmark's Community Lactation Workshops are free quarterly workshops on lactation counseling skills useful for community lactation providers such as peer counselors, support group facilitators, and home visitors.

— Gain access to recordings of our Community Workshops HERE.

Perinatal Emergency Preparedness Workshop

Infant Ready Emergency Feeding Program

New Orleans Breastfeeding Center and Lactation Education Resources present a 1 and a half hour long webinar with the following topics:

  • Preventing malnutrition and infection in young children

  • Addressing the special needs of pregnant and postpartum women

  • Managing and distributing formula according to international guidelines

  • Supporting breastfeeding

  • Practicing safe infant feeding techniques

— Learn more and sign up HERE.